
From the Wordpress administrative screen do the following

  • Go to Plugins -> Add New
  • Click Upload Plugin in the top left corner
  • Click Choose File and navigate to the .zip file that you downloaded after purchase.
  • Click Install Now
  • Click Activate Plugin
  • Click on Settings -> Rapid Order and enter your license key and email. This will ensure that you receive future updates.


From the Wordpress administrative screen do the following

  • Click WooCommerce -> Settings
  • Then go to Products -> Rapid Order

From here you can customize various display options for Rapid Order.

Additional column - This option allows you to add one additional column to the listed items. Since Rapid Order doesn't support products with complex configuration, we've included the ability to add a simple checkbox that you can display to your customers. In our demo store example we've used the checkbox to allow customers to indicate whether or not they'd like to allow substitutions for a particular product. The setting will show up in the users cart if they check it.


Rapid Order has the ability to output it's form using a shortcode. Place this shortcode in your page wherever you want the form to display:

[rapidorder tags="fruit,dairy,meat"]
[rapidorder categories="fruit,dairy,meat"]
[rapidorder ids="12,45,77,339" show_sort="0"]

There are 4 shortcode options which can change the items and sorting in the form:

tags - This is a comma separated list of tag slugs, defaults to all products
categories - This is a comma separated list of category slugs, defaults to all products
show_sort - Choose whether or not to show the default sorting dropdown. Defaults to true. Valid values are 1 or 0.
ids - Comma separated list of product ids. If ids's are specified, the 'categories' parameter will be ignored.

NOTE: shortcode options will combine together using the AND operator. For example if you had a shortcode like this:

[rapidorder categories="fruit" tags="berry"]
Rapid Order would select all items that are in the fruit category AND have the berry tag.

Shortcode Limitations

Only one shortcode will be processed per page. You cannot have multiple rapidorder shorcodes on a page. Shortcodes will be displayed regardless of the user/role visibility settings for Rapid Order. If you require limiting the visibility of the Rapid Order form produced via shortcode, consider using a separate plugin to limit page access based on role.

Override default output

When you install Rapid Order it will automatically override the output of your shop, product archive, and search result pages. If you do not want Rapid Order to do this, and only utilize it via shortcode functionality, you can uncheck Override archive, shop, and search result pages on the settings page.

Optional Plugins

Rapid Order was designed to work with the following plugins:

Quantities and Units - Gives you the ability to specify decimal quantites and site-wide quantity rules. Also allows you to specify a unit of measurement on a per prduct basis.

Quantity Increment Buttons - Replace the browser's default increment buttons with some stylish looking ones using the Quantity Increment Buttons plugin. Works great on mobile too.

Advanced Settings

Custom CSS - You can use your own custom css to override any of the styles provided by this plugin. Simply add 'wc-rapid-order' as a dependancy when you enqueue your css script. For example somethings like this would work in your functions.php file:

function my_enqueue_scripts(){
    wp_enqueue_style( 'my-custom-css', 'path/to/my/custom/css', array('wc-rapid-order') );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_scripts' );


= 2.2.5 = December 13 2020
* Fixed issue where list not displaying properly on mobile

= 2.2.4 = December 13 2020
* Fixed issue where lighbox showing when clicking anywhere on the screen after updating to Wordpress 5.5 (jquery 3 fix).

= 2.2.3 = May 26 2020
* Fixed issue where shortcode would try to render in admin and cause 500 error
= 2.2.2 = May 14 2018
* Fixed issue with variation ID being output in html
* Better compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce
= 2.2.1 = Jan 13 2018
* Better compatibility with some product visibility plugins.
= 2.2 = Sept 24 2017
* Full compatibility with WooCommerce v3.1. Remove uses of deprecated functions.
* Hide out of stock items on shortcode page if option checked in WC admin
= 2.1.7 = Sept 4 2017
* Fixed issue where variable products were not showing correct photo in certain situations.

= 2.1.5 = July 31, 2017
* Fixed issue where previously ordered items were showing all items on next page

= 2.1.4 = July 17, 2017
* Fixed issue when user ordered no products and previously_ordered shortcode showed all item. 

= 2.1.3 = May 23, 2017
* Fixed bug where pressing enter in quantity didn't update cart for search results

= 2.1.2 = May 16, 2017
* Fixed bug where pressing enter in quantity box didn't update the cart

= 2.1.1 = April 7, 2017
* Fixed issue where variation quantity was not showing on refresh
= 2.1 = January 18, 2017
* Added filtering by tags for shortcode

= 2.0.6 = January 15, 2017
* removed html from post excerpt
* added spaces for variable products with multiple attributes
= 2.0.5 = November 29, 2016
* css styling fixes
* Only update on input 'change' to prevent number validation issues with Q&U

= 2.0.4 = August 16, 2016
* Fixed additional tax bug
* Fixed Quantity and Unit integration where price suffix disappeared

= 2.0.3 = August 16, 2016
* Fixed issue were prices were not taking tax preferences into account when displaying.
* Fixed an issue where Woosidebars was causing infinite scroll to not work on shortcode pages.

= 2.0.2 = August 3, 2016
* Fixed issue where variation names were sometimes showing the slug instead of name. 

= 2.0.1 = July 29, 2016
* Fixed and issue where shortcodes were displaying out of stock items when they shouldn't

= 2.0 = July 14 2016
* Shortcode Support: Added the ability to only show Rapid Order form on certain pages via shortcode
* Ability to turn off Rapid Order overriding shop, archive, and search result pages
* fixed situation where other plugin's ajax calls could be overidden by Rapid Order
= 1.3 = June 1, 2016
* Added ability to remove thumbnail images
* properly apply woocommerce_short_description filter to product description

= 1.2.3 = May 18, 2016
* fixed pagination issue

= 1.2.2 = May 17, 2016
* fixed issue where variation attributes showing slug name
* fixed mobile styling issue. added sticky review cart on mobile footer.
= 1.2 = March 24, 2016
* New feature: Allowed image to link to nothing, product page, or larger lightbox image
* fixed display of subtotal and cart button on mobile.
* fixed out of stock items still showing quantity input
= 1.1.2 =
* fixed sub total not showing

= 1.1.1 =
* updated ElementQueries.js and ResizeSensor.js to fix IE loading issues
* fixed IE infinite scroll issues

= 1.1 =
* Provided better support for Dynamic pricing style plugins (specifically 'WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing' and 'WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts')
* fixed issue for currencies that don't have 2 decimals
* fixed issue where clicking '-' on an item with quantity 0 added 1 to cart
* fixed issue where extra checkbox not staying checked on reload

= 1.0.10 = 
* fixed issue where rapid order was displaying in related products

= 1.0.9 = 
* Added ability to specify a pre-existing fixed header so that it won't interfere with the table sticky header.

= 1.0.8 =
* changed uninstall to static method 

= 1.0.7 = 
* fix for get_editable_roles error

= 1.0.6 = 
* added Svenska language support provided by Jonas Andersson
* Improved currency symbol and decimal support for line item totals

= 1.0.5 =
* fixed language file to include all strings.
* fixed mobile css issue with sticky header turned off.
* fixed issue where plugin was saying it had an update even though it didn't

= 1.0.4 = 
* increment button bug fix

= 1.0.3 =
* Better support for Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin
* prevent list output on 404 page

= 1.0.2 =
* Added the ability to display wholesale form to guests and/or specific roles.